Redox Week in Sendai 2022
The 20th JBS Bio-frontier Symposium
supported by the Japanese Biochemical Society
supported by the Japanese Biochemical Society

October 29 - 30, 2022
Tohoku University Seiryo Campus, Sendai, Japan
Co-Chaired by
Hozumi Motohashi
Department of Gene Expression
Regulation, IDAC, Tohoku University
Motohiro Nishida
Department of Physiology,
Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyushu University
- 2022.10.27
- Program & Abstract (PDF), Sendai Attractions has been updated.
- 2022.10.25
- Program, Information for Participants, Access has been updated.
- 2022.10.24
- STINT-JSPS Joint Symposium has been updated.
- 2022.10.11
- Information about VISA has been updated.
- 2022.09.01
- Registration of Banquet Party will be started from September 12, 2022. (Deadline: September 30, 2022)
- 2022.08.29
- Program has been updated.
- 2022.08.20
- Deadline for Call for Abstract has been extended. (Deadline August 31, 2022)
- 2022.08.05
- Deadline for Call for Abstract has been extended. (Deadline August 20, 2022)
- 2022.08.02
- Program, Access, Accommodation, Link has been updated.
- 2022.07.22
- Registration (Information about VISA) has been updated.
- 2022.06.10
- Program has been updated.
Call for Abstract has been started. (Deadline: August 5, 2022)
Registration has been started. (Deadline: September 20, 2022)
- 2021.12.23
- Website opened.
Welcome to Sendai !